Success Story 1

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Juvenor Health Care

Streamfix helps organizanons build bener talent processes and models. They have helped numerous clients achieve success in workforce planning, compensanon and benefits, and employee engagement. Juvenor Health Care, a pharmaceuncal company, engaged Streamfix to facilitate an environment of employee alignment that led to personal and overall success.

Streamfix developed clear Key Focus Areas (KFAs), communicated them to the leaders, and regularly monitored and realigned them.

Success Story 2

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Augusta Motors

Through a comprehensive employee engagement program designed and implemented by Streamfix Augusta Motors was able to improve employee sansfacnon anract and retain top talent and ulnmately drive business success.

This program included regular employee service together with feedback and insights. A survey revealed that recognüon and apprecianon were lacking, and Streamfix worked with leaders and managers to encourage building relanonships, providing regular feedback, and team acnvües. With this strategy, the engagement score increased by 70% in 18 months.

leadership development and training for managers and Targeted inüanves to improve communicanon and collaboranon across teams.