Understanding the role each type of Recruitment Plays.

Recruitment strategies are constantly fluctuating with the job market, and it’s important to be able to adapt to these changes in order to latch top hires. Before hopping into trends and specialized ways of hiring great talent, it’s important to understand the essential hiring types.

There are two types of hiring types: External Recruitment and Internal Recruitment.

External Recruitment

External recruitment includes sourcing candidates externally based on their skills and companies fit. Usually their application is reviewed, and after an interview, they are hired. For External Recruitment follows this typical process. There are several types of External Recruitment, and each has its assets.


1. Job Board Advertisements

Most typical method of External Recruitment. In this method recruiters posting advertisements to various job sites and replying to applications. For large hiring this method is usually the most effective, to accomplishing the largest number of individuals and building a huge talent pool.

2. Direct Recruitment

Direct Recruitment is the oldest type of recruitment; it removes middlemen and has recruiters communicate directly with applicants. Direct recruitment is an effective way to draw younger candidates and being approached directly by an organization can put them at ease and make them more receptive.

3. Employee Referrals

Although job advertisements are an effective way of bulk recruiting, employee referrals is another way to profit small-scale results.

Your present employees can be your best source for new talent, having a referral system in place is a must. Employee referrals profit great small-scale results.

Internal Recruitment

Internal Recruitment, as the name it is, moves team members and other connections into different jobs. While External Recruitment usually involves comprehensive sourcing, internal recruitment works with resources already available to your organization.


1. Promotion

Promotion plays distinctive role in nearly every company. If employees don’t feel as if there’s no room for growth, they’ll often leave the company for sure.

Raising employees for going above and beyond. It gives your organization the benefits of a higher-level employee who knows its inner workings.

2. Previous Candidates/Applicants

It’s important to keep applicants information in a system if a candidate or applicant doesn’t quite make the cut. When there is another position opens up, your database of previous applicants can be turns into qualified candidates.

3. Temporary to Permanent Hire

Temporary workers are an underused resource that more employers should be taking advantage of. Employing temporary workers can increase your overall quality-of-hire, and give your temporary workers the incentive of full-time work.

Hiring internally rather than externally often needs less resource expenditure per hire, and is more likely to yield excellent employees due to existing knowledge of organizational operations.


When it comes to the types of recruitment, applying a good mix of both Internal and external recruitment is crucial. Finding top external talent is a great way to introduce new skills and ideas into your organization, while internally sourcing is excellent for capitalizing on your existing top talent and demonstrating there is room to grow within.

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